Year 10 Steps to Success Virtual Presentation Evening

Dear Parent/Carer
RE: Year 10 Steps to Success Virtual Presentation Evening
There is an introduction session from myself outlining how we can work collaboratively to support your child. In addition, the subject leaders of our core subjects have recorded presentations, these will help you find out more about the courses your child will be following and how you can support them, both in school and at home. Our head of Social Sciences has also recorded a session aimed at supporting students to develop effective study skills during this crucial period of education. The resources will remain on our website for the rest of the term, should you wish to view them again at a later date.
Year 10 is a key time in your child’s academic career as they begin their GCSE programmes of study. Research has shown there is a profound effect on a child’s achievement when home and school work closely together. Typically, to ensure that we collaborate effectively during this key period we would hold a “Year 10 Steps to GCSE Success Evening”. As COVID-19 restrictions mean that this is not possible, we have created a virtual event instead. This is available to view online from today and can be accessed by following the attached link:
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself or
Yours faithfully
Mrs C Kane
Deputy Headteacher