Buying a school uniform is a major expense and for this reason the uniform has been carefully chosen and priced so that whilst it is distinctive from those of neighbouring schools, it is also easily obtainable and keenly priced.
Our uniform creates our school identity and establishes a sense of pride amongst the students. It is expected that all students will come to the school every day in full, neat, clean uniform, giving the message that our students take pride and place in our school community. This will continue to be the case until the student leaves the school and will also apply to the public examination period for all students. Year 11 students will attend all examinations and revision sessions in full uniform until their last examination.
The support of parents in upholding our high standards and expectations of uniform and appearance is crucial. Staff are required to ensure these standards are maintained at all times and will challenge students who do not uphold our standards. Uniform sends a strong message about standards and self worth. Admission to our school implies acceptance of the uniform code and students who are not correctly dressed may be sent home to change or be isolated from other students by a senior member of staff. Repeated disregard for school rules could result in further sanctions being levied. We believe that wearing a uniform does not discriminate and ensures all students have equal opportunities and shared expectations, regardless of background.
Our uniform is reviewed annually and will be confirmed when Year 7 student offers are confirmed.
For details about the School Uniform Network and assistance with school uniforms please see School Uniform Network | Warrington Foodbank
You can download a copy of our Uniform Guide below: