Early Help refers to the offer of any information, advice or support to children, young people and their families as soon as possible in their lives, or when issues emerge, to help prevent problems from escalating. Our Safeguarding Team identify any children and families who would benefit from assistance from Early Help. It allows them to access services in the school and beyond to support identified vulnerable pupils.

We know that children, young people and their families have different types of needs and sometimes they may require extra support. One way this extra support can be provided is through an Early Help Assessment.

An Early Help Assessment benefits a child, young person or family because it:

  • helps to identify needs at an early stage
  • is strengths- and evidence-based
  • is personalised and
  • is multi-agency in its approach

An Early Help Review/Closure Plan complements the assessment by ensuring the correct level of support is provided for an individual/family at the right time. This allows for service provision to be regularly reviewed to ensure it continues to meet need and prevents needs escalating.

Warrington Early Help services can be accessed through the following link, https://www.warrington.gov.uk/early-help