Media students attend Hogwarts

On Tuesday 6th December, the Media Studies pupils from Great Sankey and Barrow Hall college set off on a cold, dark morning to Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter films.
The aim of the trip was to make the most of the cross-curricular education programme which meets learning objectives from the national curriculum and exam board specifications. Pupils would see the extraordinary artistry, technology and talent that went into creating the Harry Potter film series and apply this to their media studies course.
On arriving, pupils received their bespoke designed tickets, adorned with the films character's and entered the studios. The entrance to the studios was just as magical as expected, the music from the movies came on and the pupils walked in and the giant dragon above their heads welcomed them in.
The first activity of the day was a workshop planned and taught by qualified teachers working for Warner Brothers in one of the purpose-built classrooms, based on Camera Choices, in which students examined film sequences, with the intention of developing their understanding of how a Director communicates atmosphere, meaning and narrative through different camera angles and shots. They even got to see some original costumes and props from the set including Hagrid's trousers ad Voldemort's robes.
Pupils were then taken on the studio tour via the Great Hall, which looked amazing as it was decorated for Christmas feasts. The tour enabled them to look at the sets from the films and artwork used in design, sample Butterbeer and take some great shots on the Hogwarts Express. The immersive and interactive experience was enjoyed by all, before pupils spent their last pounds buying wands and sweets in the shop.
The Media Studies students made magical memories of an amazing film series and learnt a lot about the work, time and effort that goes into a film production.